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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Master Cleanse Diet, Lose 20 pounds?

Good article about Beyonce and the Master cleanse diet lose 20 pounds.
Master Cleanse Diet Helped Beyonce Lose 20 Pounds

Master Cleanse Diet has gained popularity among the celebrities and helped them lose weight.

Beyonce Knowles, the rising star, appeared some time ago on the Oprah Winfrey Show with some of the other cast members of the motion picture film she would appear in called Dreamgirls. She knew she would have to lose some weight quickly as she was playing the role of Deena Jones, a slender singer who is based on Diana Ross.

There was just one thing to do. Beyonce decision was based on her nutritionist, "My nutritionist suggested the only way to do that was the maple syrup diet fast, As soon as it was over, I gained the weight back." Hence, Beyonce embarked on the Master Cleanse diet.

Although this diet is often referred to as a fast, it is not a complete fast. One can consume up to 1,300 calories from the sugars in the ingredients that the Master Cleanser diet says to prepare.

An interesting side note is that this diet was first developed in 1940 as a stomach ulcer cure. Stanley Burroughs, who wrote The Master Cleanser, claimed that it was used not only for curing ulcers and for weight loss, but would correct all kinds of disorders.

It is also commonly known as the "Master Cleanse Lemonade Fast". This is a ten day fast that was first developed by Stanley Burroughs that was used for the purposes of detoxification and weight loss.

The main health benefit of the Master Cleanser diet is that a person can lose those unwanted pounds! It also serves to cleanse and detoxify the colon. Besides that, there are no other known health benefits to this diet.

Though Beyonce did not follow the diet as strictly as possible because she ate vegetables while she followed the Master Cleanser fast. This fast usually consists of nothing more than drinking a concoction of fresh lemon or limejuice, maple syrup and water that has cayenne pepper mixed in it. This is consumed approximately 6 - 12 times daily along with an herbal laxative tea that is consumed twice a day. No other food is to be consumed.

After she ended her stint on this maple syrup diet, she was happy to get back to the real world of eating regular food. Of course, all of the weight that she had lost for the part in Dreamgirls came back as soon as she went off the "diet".

As for how she felt while on the Master Cleanser diet fast, Beyonce confessed to Oprah, "I was cranky. People were eating Krispy Kreme Doughnuts around me."

Other notable celebrities who have been connected with the Master Cleanser diet are Robin Quivers, Jared Leto, Ashanti and Trina.

You can prepared yourself to have a safety and successful Master Cleanse at official site of Master Cleanse Secrets website.

People who need to lose weight in a hurry for a social function or any other reason, can try the Master Cleanser diet. People who have done so proclaim the positive weight loss effects of this diet. Anyone considering following this diet should speak with a healthcare professional prior to beginning.

Women who are pregnant should not follow it. People with health conditions such as diabetes need to be monitored during the diet if the healthcare professional approves it. Caution should be taken whenever drastic changes are made to a person's diet.

As the show came to an end, Beyonce mentioned that "I would never recommend it to anyone unless you are doing a movie and it's necessary, and you have proper help."

Master Cleanse is not a easy detox diets. In fact, most people failed within the first 3 days of the diet. Discover what Beyonce shared on how she completed the cleanse at Master Cleanse

Download your free master cleanse report at Detox Diets

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weight Loss Diet, Lose 20 Pounds, Really?

Interesting article about diet lose 20 pounds. Do diets really help?
The Best Way To Lose 20 Pounds Period

Some gurus will tell you to get on some zany diet. No doubt, they're usually promoting weight loss book they wrote. But should you really believe them? Do you really need the latest diet book to find out the best way to lose 20 pounds quick? I doubt it.

In fact, I'm pretty sure you already know how to lose weight. I'm betting you've lost some weight in the best. You may have gained it back, buy that's not the point. You did lose weight before.

In case you forgot, I'm going to give you a hard and fast weight loss formula for shedding quick pounds. Use the formula and you will find yourself on the other end of a smaller reflection very quickly.

7 steps for weight loss success

Step 1: Make a commitment to weight loss at the very beginning. Don't go half-hearted, here. If you do, you will come up short. Treat this like a job. Make it a priority.

Step 2: Prove your commitment by creating a weight loss journal. Write down your diet and exercise goals and review them daily. Make a list in your journal of all the things you will hold yourself to. Everyday turn a page and re-write the same thing. Cross things off as you accomplish them.

Step 3: Begin walking 20-30 minutes in the morning, afternoon, or evening. The best time is the time you can fit it in. Be consistent. Same time every day, if possible.

Step 4:Add water. Increase your daily water consumption to 10-12 cups. More water means less bloating and better internal organ function. A side note: decrease the sugary sodas. Increasing your water can help you lose 5 pounds the very first week.

Step 5: Eat four meals a day. The first meal coming within 40 minutes of waking. The last meal coming 2 hours or more before bedtime. You never want to eat right before bed. Do this and you will feel your waistline loosen very quickly.

Step 6: Understand the difference between weight loss success and weight loss failure is smaller than you realize. You only need to make small adjustments to reap huge results. Don't go out and try to change the world. If you do, you may just wind up burnt out and with even more anxiety.

Step 7: Take a long-term perspective. The best way to lose 20 pounds is to begin where you are with these 7 steps, but to realize this isn't just a commitment for now. If you want to keep the weight off, then repeat these steps time and time again.

Weight loss is a simple task. The principles are very basic. The results, however, will always be based on the individual. Begin strong and begin prepared, and you've already won half the weight loss battle.

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